11th Annual Holocaust March Of Remembrance

 — (PDT, UTC-07) — (PDT, UTC-07)

Murrieta Mesa High School - Gershwin Performing Arts Center, 24801 Monroe Ave., Murrieta, CA

SAVE THE DATE for the 11th annual March of Remembrance, commemorating the death marches in Europe during the Holocaust against European Jews during WW2. This year, Corry Keeler will be joining the worship team from Kehilat Ariel on two songs. Guest speakers are: A Representative of the Israeli Consulate - Los Angeles, Murrieta Mayor Lori Stone, Holocaust survivor Eva Perlman, and Professor Emeritus Dr. Clifford Lester. At 1:30 we will begin with a pre-march and activity for the children, followed by the actual walk and a 90 minute memorial and presentation. (There will be an alternate activity for non-walkers.) For more information, contact Holocaust Remembrance Foundation of the Valley at (855) 955-5017 or janflournoy@gmail.com. All ages welcome!

For more information